About Live in der Regenbogenfabrik, Berlin 2004:

Moving on to the double live CD Live In Der Regenbogenfabrik Berlin, again many sounds make up the over two hours duration of psychedelic music. To get the full effect. I feel I would have to see the full light show and images, but two of the nine tracks stand out for me and they are Vor Dem Einschlag and Porzellanladen. Vocals are in the band's native German language (he has a nice imagination! Dave), and the Tangerine Dream, Hillage and Floyd influences shine through. It is self financed as the discs are CD-r, but don't let that put you off as the live sound is well recorded. Check out the web sites below.
Danny Mayo for The Hairless Heart Herald, UK, October 2004


About Live at the Raw-Tempel, Berlin 2002:

This show is a high quality soundboard recording that the band has released on CD-R of their performance opening for Mr. Quimby's Beard back in April 2002. The 4 long improvisations are all entitled "Bla". The opening track, "Bla", is a very CAN inspired track with some really cool electric piano lines and drumming that slowly builds up. The guitar is barely audible, which is a pity. "BlaBla", track 2, is a really dreamy track. "BlaBlaBla" is a really jammy track with some cool guitar that you can hear before the synth player kicks in and the guitar falls to the background. It builds up into an almost funky groove. The last track has a very strange beginning but develops into an Ozrics groove as the band moves into space. It is a very cool performance. It is just too bad that the guitar is often way too low and gets overwhelmed by the synthesizer. Check out their web site as they also sell 3 other live shows.
Reviewed by Scott Heller for Aural Innovations



Es gibt eine ganze Reihe von neuen deutschen Psychedelic-Bands, die Hawkwind sehr viel verdanken, was Ideen, den Sound und die Wirkung angeht. So seien hier The Mandra Goa Lightshow Society, Liquid Visions und eben Zone Six angesprochen. Diese wunderbare Platte, im Januar 1999 aufgenommen, bietet drei Lieder im kosmischen Umfang (nie unter 19 Minuten), bei denen zu hören ist wie die großen Bezüge Can und Hawkwind live in Concert mit Spiel- und Improvisationsfreude angereichert und zu etwas gemacht werden, welches Anfang der 70er bestand, dann zurückgedrängt wurde und nun in den 90ern mit voller Wucht wieder ausbricht: Den totalen Space-Rock! Highlight in diesem Sinne ist der Song Masters, Lost In The Universe, der als Basis Brock's Klassiker Masters Of The Universe hat und durch die Band zu einer großen Krach-, Rhythmus- und Free-Orgie wird, bei der man nicht anders kann, als einfach auszuflippen! Bezug dieser Platte bei Dave. Gebt es Euch!!! (von Daniel Timmer)


